Thursday, 22 May 2014

neil young in a booth

Neil Young's new album 'A Letter Home' is released on May 27. It was recorded in Jack White's phono booth thing.
Rolling Stone interviewed Young about the strangeness of it all.

    “The recordings were done in September, just before Farm Aid last year, I was at Third Man on Record Store Day that year [in April]. I tried the booth. Jack and I are both into mechanical things. We’re kind of geeky, I guess. I checked it out. And he had people coming in, recording on it all day long. Jack’s a real interesting character; he has kind of a Barnum-and-Bailey thing going on.
    So we got into talking about this, and I said, ‘You know, Jack, I’m going to come back and do an album, in this thing.’ I spent the summer, during whatever else I was doing then, learning these songs, finding the right ones to do, talking to people, researching it. I was looking for songs that affected me – songs that meant something to me in my life, to me in my songwriting craft.”

And as a token of Neil's generosity he streams the whole album for you in the Warner Music widget below which is really exciting and wonderful except we here in the UK can't play it because we get a sign in place of the tracks saying "We're sorry, the stream is not available in your territory".. territory? territory? it's the fecking UK you nerks at Warner and we have given alot of our money to Neil over the years so what the feck is that all about.
So you Warner phonuckers that's no sale here even when it is available. And by the way it's available in lots of ways as well as a huge boxset which will likely cost more than Jack White's booth thing.

But for some of you who are in a more fortunate "territory" you can see the tracks and you will be able to hear Neil's new record and who are we to deprive you of that. So here it is.
(Yes we know, use a proxy... but frankly we aint got time.)
Hope it all sounds great.