Friday 21 February 2014

wilko johnson - roger daltrey

"It was a case of hurry up so I can hear it. I mean blimey, I'm supposed to be dead already"
Wilko Johnson's doctor had told him he had until October last year. After diagnosed with cancer and his refusal to undergo any further treatment he'd already openly explained his decision with no regrets earlier in 2013.
Since then he'd settled for playing one off gigs while he felt strong enough, then came the chance to record one last time in November.
Alongside Roger Daltrey, who together created the new album 'Going Back Home', spoke in an interview given to the Daily Telegraph today about the new and likely last recording he'll likely ever make. They had hoped to record together for several years but circumstances had dictated a somewhat swift action.
Daltrey : "I said, I'll sing anything he wanted me to and it's turned out amazing. You lose all that kind of pretentiousness of trying to do something different, or something new, and just do what you do".

The final result is an album that is full of rock and roll. It goes back to the roots of their early years and has all the toughness and attack of the early tyro's of rock like Johnny Kidd and the Pirates.
From the very beginning of Dr Feelgood in the early 70's the young Wilko's guitar style was obviously influenced by the legendary Pirates guitarist Mick Green and The Who hardly need prove their early rock and roll credentials, but to hear Daltrey tackle these songs is a revelation. It's a voice you'll not be familer with when you hear this album preview track. The albums official release date is March 10.
They are doing a one-off gig on February 25th at the Shepherd Bush Empire, London. It is going to be some night.
Here is "I Keep It To Myself".