Monday 28 January 2013

jimmy agren band

Jimmy Agren is another of theses really great Swedish guitarists. As well as multi-instrumentalist for his first album 'Get This Into Your Head' he released in 1996, a year later he led his own band and has been touring with them on and off since. Also guesting with fellow Swede's the Mats/Morgan band.
When he sold his apartment to start his own studio in 1995 it's all credit to the Swedish arts council that 5 years later they gave him a grant for improving his studio, 'Jimmy’s Garage', how could he not be denied with that name.
Seems to us Jimmy would gain a lot of new fans outside of Europe if only he could be seen and heard there, but sadly that's becoming a somewhat regular remark on these posts on bands from Germany, Russia, Sweden and no doubt there will be more artists just as good in future posts.
Here's Jimmy playing slide and boy does he get some action on that Italia Modena, it's also pretty obvious from these riffs he's done his share of Zappa and Beefheart tributes
"She's louder than me, but I got the microphones"... good track title Jimmy, it could have been written by Don Van Vliet himself.