Monday 23 July 2012


Another of the 'Internet era' guitarists is Ben Sharp AKA one man band Cloudkicker. Cloudkicker mixes low tuned distorted guitars with clean melodies and ambient backdrops to make his own take on the evolving sound of metal.
Cloudkicker's music is all self produced and again heavily relies on amp modelling and sampled drum software. Ben also releases all of Cloudkicker's music free of charge, or on a 'Pay what you want' service on his own site. Cloudkicker is not signed to a label and in an interview with, Ben has stated "I don't like touring and I don't want to have to pay the bills by making music, that would suck all the fun out of it for me. At this point I'm not sure a label could offer me anything I can't already do for myself, and other people seem to be perfectly happy to promote Cloudkicker on their own". Read the full interview here and also check out the Cloudkicker blog at
Here is the track Dysphoria off Cloudkicker's first full length album The Discovery