Wednesday, 13 February 2013

slovakia rock and roll

In the UK in 1977, young bands were finding ways to make their music as easily and cheaply as possible. On the back of the UK's punk explosion small venues, independent studios and record labels sprang up in most towns supported by local bands or sometimes run by them. Without these places and the energy of the bands many would never have had the opportuniy to make a record or be heard at all. Major record labels were the last place that these groups would have fitted or even wanted to go.
But that was some 35 years ago and the music scene now in the UK is a very different place, with the small venues, independent labels and bands all fading away and not to be replaced by a new generation.
Now the place for any young group or musician to begin is naturally with the internet to exchange and post music to their audience from there. Without which you'd be hard pressed to know what was going on in any town or country outside of your own. Places like Soundcloud and Bandzone are now a potential home for the new independent musicians worldwide.
It's pretty obvious right now in corners of European countries they are experiencing the freedom of the independent artists in a similar way to the UK in 1977.
A small recording studio in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia called Upstairs Records make it possible for their local groups to record which in turn get published on Soundcloud, Facebook and My Space, etc.
Upstairs Records : "It's a new recording studio in New Town n / V, intended for young bands... we do not know the amount per hour, price is always conjecture beforehand".
Garage Surf are Nika (drums), and Majo (guitar, bass and keyboard). They recorded their first EP their in 2012.
"We are playing garage punk'n'roll for about a year, and recently we are going to finish new songs for our debut album, which we want to record this summer here at Upstairs Records"
It sounds a healthy music scene in Nové Mesto nad Váhom, it is most unlikely to be the only one in many similar towns in Europe.
The top picture gives you a perfect view of 'Upstairs' console at Christmas. Very civilised and very independent.

Here's the Garage Surf EP 'About Hardy Joe', below that a video by the Anonymous Kids, and below that the latest EP by Genuine Jacks. They've all been recorded at Upstairs Records over the last year. All great rock and roll in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Long may it continue.
Upstairs Records can be reached on Facebook (click here)