Sunday, 12 August 2012

the train kept a rollin'

Monday 12th August. 1968. Page, Plant, Jones and Bonham rehearsed together for the first time at a small studio in Gerrard St, Soho, London. The first song played was 'The Train Kept A-Rollin.'
Jimmy Page had been playing the song with The Yardbirds for a few years and was a familiar track to most of the blues players in the 60's having been recorded by Johhny Burmette and the Rock And Roll Trio in 1956 which became an upbeat rockabilly classic.
The song had actually been around since the early 50's originally as a jump blues and now by the time The Yardbirds had got hold of it for their first album in 1965, some 10 years after Burnette's version, they had turned the song into a garage rock standard.
The moment the then to be Led Zeppelin played it in the rehearsal room John Bonham was quoted as saying "..they new they had something".
The first live dates the group played was still under The Yardbirds name which had obviously been the compromise simply due to Jimmy Page having the more prominent profile since the last days of The Yardbirds in 1968, their line-up now down to 4 and Page taking the lead guitar role.
Here's The Yardbirds on French TV in 1968 playing 'The Train Kept A-Rollin' and just months before the split. Notice Jimmy Page in the now psychedelic fashion of the day.